
How Do I Tell My Kids? A Booklet about HIV Disclosure in the Family


How Do I Tell My Kids? A Booklet about HIV Disclosure in the Family

5 years ago 5 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This toolkit was created by The Teresa Group.


This booklet is for adults who are thinking about telling their children that someone in the family is living with HIV.

Talking to children about this can feel scary as it may bring out many different feelings and concerns about how children will react.

Part of feeling comfortable about talking to children is being ready and prepared. The decision about when and what to tell depends on a lot of different factors, including the child’s age and stage of development (from 0-18 years). Telling children about HIV is never a one-time conversation but a back and forth process over a period of time.

This booklet is designed to guide and support parents and caregivers through the process of telling children, often called ‘disclosure’. They will learn about why, when, and how to tell, and much more.

The Teresa Group. (2018). How Do I Tell My Kids? A Booklet about HIV Disclosure in the Family. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from

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