Reflection, Engagement & Action Against Anti-Black Racism in Ontario: Part Two
4 years ago 4 years agoThis video was produced by York University’s Office of Alumni Engagement.
Members of Youth Research and Evaluation Exchange (YouthREX) based at the School of Social Work at York University returned for the second part of a discussion on the current groundswell of protests about anti-Black racism. In the first part of their discussion (also available to watch on our Knowledge Hub), they asked: Will this be the ONE that finally energizes us all to dismantle anti-Black racism forever so we can create a better future for Black youth? In this second part, they explored possible multi-sectoral actions towards creating a more equitable Ontario for Black youth and their families. They took questions from participants – both unanswered questions from part one and new ones.
Featuring Dr. Uzo Anucha, Provincial Academic Director of YouthREX / York Research Chair in Youth and Contexts of Inequity and Associate Professor at the School of Social Work; Cyril J. Cromwell, Learning & Development Manager, YouthREX; and Amina Hagar and Rahma Siad Togane, Research Assistants at YouthREX and York University Undergraduate Student and PhD Candidate respectively.
York University’s Office of Alumni Engagement. (2020, June 25). Scholars’ Hub @ Home: Reflection, Engagement & Action against Anti-Black Racism in Ontario – Part II [Video file]. Toronto, ON: Author. Retrieved from
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