
The Relentless Pursuit of Better Youth Outcomes – Reimagining Youth Work in a COVID-19 Era: In Conversation with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ottawa


The Relentless Pursuit of Better Youth Outcomes – Reimagining Youth Work in a COVID-19 Era: In Conversation with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ottawa

4 years ago 4 years ago Published by
This webinar was hosted by YouthREX.


How has COVID-19 affected how youth programs are supporting and working with young people? How are youth programs physically distancing while ensuring social connectedness for youth? How are the needs of youth, families, and communities changing as a result of the pandemic? What challenges and opportunities exist for the youth sector?

YouthREX launched an interactive online conversation series on how the Ontario youth sector is adapting to shifting contexts as a result of COVID-19.

When the pandemic hit, youth programs did not just pack up but continued their relentless search for ways to keep supporting better outcomes for Ontario’s youth!

Each instalment features different youth programs and advocates to explore how they are pivoting their approaches to youth engagement, programming, and advocacy; the issues that are emerging as priorities in their work; the lessons they are learning (and unlearning); and ways they are adapting in real time during this unprecedented period.

This conversation, co-hosted by Kathe Rogers (YouthREX’s Program Director), featured Adam Joiner, Chief Executive Officer, and Laura Jones, Senior Manager, Program Services, from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ottawa, as well as Maji Shaikh from the University of Ottawa, with special guest co-facilitator Corliss Bean, Assistant Professor, Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies at Brock University. Learn about how the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ottawa transitioned to virtual programming, how their virtual site will be integrated into their programs after re-opening, and how they are evaluating the impacts of their work, as well as the key lessons learned to date.

Visit the BGCO Virtual Clubhouse: https://bgco-online.club

Each year, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ottawa provides thousands of children and youth in seven neighbourhoods across the city with a safe space during the most vulnerable hours of the day, and free access to life-changing programs that are purposefully designed to drive personal development. Follow on Twitter and Instagram.

Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2020, September 17). The Relentless Pursuit of Better Youth Outcomes – Reimagining Youth Work in a COVID-19 Era: In Conversation with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Ottawa (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/T9L1zBVuUGk

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