Data Wrangling for Youth Program Evaluation: Using Spreadsheets to Manage Your Data
6 years ago 6 years agoThis webinar was hosted by YouthREX.
Most organizations collect some type of information as part of their work with youth – for example, intake forms or applications, attendance records, case notes, and program documentation. The critical question is how are you using the information that you collect as part of your everyday work with youth in your program evaluation?
This webinar provides an introduction to organizing, managing, and visualizing data, planning data analysis, and selecting and using validated measures or other methods. We are joined by expert data wrangler Sidney Shapiro, who will offer solutions to some real life data management questions and challenges youth programs may experience, including:
- how to develop a system for entering data on a regular basis;
- how to build accurate, useful, and meaningful statistics;
- how to understand the differences between longitudinal versus cross-sectional data;
- how to gear data collection and analysis towards answering your questions;
and more!
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2016, December 1). Data Wrangling for Youth Program Evaluation: Using Spreadsheets to Manage Your Data (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from
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