
Understanding Intergenerational Trauma and Intergenerational Healing: Recovery, Resilience & Wellness


Understanding Intergenerational Trauma and Intergenerational Healing: Recovery, Resilience & Wellness

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by
This webinar was hosted by YouthREX.


How can an understanding of intergenerational trauma and intergenerational healing support the recovery process for youth and build their resilience? Why does ‘trauma-informed’ youth work that is framed by anti-oppression and addresses systemic issues that youth experience support trauma recovery?

This webinar conversation with Nene Kwasi Kafele explored the concept, scope, and mechanisms of intergenerational trauma and the impact on youth. The webinar reviewed key principles and insights into trauma-informed practice for youth work, including constructs such as resilience and recovery and practice options to support the healing journey of those impacted by intergenerational trauma. We explored how ‘trauma-informed’ care requires drawing on knowledge about trauma and its impact on youth to do our work differently and avoid causing additional harm. Without an understanding of trauma and its impact, youth may be misunderstood or mislabelled, leading to frustration for youth workers and the potential of harm.

Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange. (2017, September 27). Understanding Intergenerational Trauma and Intergenerational Healing: Recovery, Resilience & Wellness (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/59wNRoMI0XA

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