Academic Literature

Educational Pathways and Academic Performance of Youth of Immigrant Origin in Toronto


Educational Pathways and Academic Performance of Youth of Immigrant Origin in Toronto

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts

This paper examines the educational pathways of a cohort of students who started high school in fall 2000 within the Toronto District Board of Education (TDSB) and is derived from a larger pan-Canadian study of students in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver who were expected to graduate in 2004 if they did not experience delays. To account for all students, the study continued to fall 2006. Descriptive data on similar individuals, schooling processes, and school-context characteristics, as well as common indicators of educational pathways and academic performance, are presented for English-speaking students and for 10 linguistic subgroups.

Anisef, P., Brown, R., Sweet, R., & Walters, D. (2010). Educational pathways and academic performance of youth of immigrant origin in Toronto. The CERIS Working Paper Series. Toronto: CERIS-The Ontario Metropolis Centre.

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