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Systems Thinking Perspectives Applied to Healthcare Transition for Youth with Disabilities, a Paradigm Shift for Practice, Policy and Research

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Systems Thinking Perspectives Applied to Healthcare Transition for Youth with Disabilities, a Paradigm Shift for Practice, Policy and Research

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts

Background Healthcare transition (HCT) for youth with disabilities is a complex phenomenon influenced by multiple interacting factors, including health, personal and environmental factors. Current research on the transition to adulthood for disabled youth has primarily focused on identifying these multilevel factors to guide the development of interventions to improve the HCT process. However, little is known about how this complex array of factors interacts and contributes to successful HCT. Systems thinking provides a theoretically informed perspective that accounts for complexity and can contribute to enhanced understanding of the interactions among HCT factors. An understanding of the complex interactions and patterns of relationships in HCT can assist health policy makers and practitioners in determining key areas of intervention, the impact of these interventions on the system and the potential intended and unintended consequences of change. This paper provides initial examination of applying systems thinking to inform future research and practice on HCT.

Hamdani, Y., Jetha, A., & Norman, C. (2011). Systems thinking perspectives applied to healthcare transition for youth with disabilities: A paradigm shift for practice, policy and research. Child: Care, Health and Development, 806-814.

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