FYI Application Fee Bursary
For Youth InitiativeAre you looking to apply to university, college, or an apprenticeship program this year?
If you are planning to attend a post-secondary institution or trades school during the 2023/2024 school year, FYI is offering a bursary to cover your application fees!
Requirements are:
You must be planning to attend a Canadian post-secondary institution or trades school during the 2023/ 2024 school year.
You must be actively participating in any of FYIs current programming or using FYIs services within the last six months.
Priority will be given to those who live or go to school in the York South-Weston and Oakwood-Vaughan communities, but it is not a mandatory requirement.
To apply for the FYI Application Fee Bursary fill out the google form .
For more information on FYI services and programs contact:
Vanessa Henry, Program Manager of Settlement and Education:
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