
Taking a Systems Approach to Supporting Youth through Extrajudicial Measures


Taking a Systems Approach to Supporting Youth through Extrajudicial Measures

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This factsheet was created by YouthREX.


This factsheet was developed from the Supporting Positive Outcomes for Youth Involved with the Law report, and shares a case study example of a young person, Shane, who is referred to an Indigenous-focused Extrajudicial Measures (EJM) program. It outlines the importance of taking a systems approach to supporting youth through diversion programs and gives concrete examples about how to apply this approach based on the case study.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you can find in this factsheet:

  • You’ll meet Shane, an Indigenous youth who has faced multiple challenges in his life that have led to his referral to an EJM program.
  • Clear examples of how to think through a systems response that engages multiple contexts of youth development.
  • Examples of how culture, context, family, and community can impact what support can/should look like for youth involved with the law.

Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2017). Taking a Systems Approach to Supporting Youth through Extrajudicial Measures. Toronto, ON: Author.

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