
Ten Tips for Putting Intersectionality into Practice


Ten Tips for Putting Intersectionality into Practice

4 years ago 4 years ago Published by
This factsheet was developed by The Opportunity Agenda.


We all deserve to have our voices heard; our faces and experiences reflected in culture and media; and our unique needs addressed through relevant policies. However, when we fail to incorporate intersectionality into our everyday practices and policies, we leave parts of our communities behind.

Intersectionality, a term coined by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw, recognizes that certain individuals face multiple and intersecting forms of structural discrimination. In this political climate marked by division and anxiety, it’s important for us to work together to incorporate different communities’ experiences with culture, policies, and media.

We’ve compiled ten tips for putting intersectionality into practice to promote opportunity for individuals and communities who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination. This list can serve as a starting point for social justice advocates, policymakers, journalists, and researchers interested in incorporating an intersectional approach in their work.

The Opportunity Agenda. (2017). Ten Tips for Putting Intersectionality into Practice. https://www.opportunityagenda.org/explore/resources-publications/ten-tips-putting-intersectionality-practice

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