
Uncovering & Addressing Mental Health Needs for Rural Youth


Uncovering & Addressing Mental Health Needs for Rural Youth

3 years ago 3 years ago Published by
This podcast was produced by Social Impact Advisors.


This podcast shares the findings and experience of following a Collective Impact process for the Rural Ottawa Youth Mental Health Collective, led by Nicole McKerracher, Executive Director of O-YA, a youth association in a rural Ottawa village.

We’re joined by Emily Dozois, a youth with personal experience trying to access mental health services in rural Ottawa, and Evaluations Coordinator for the Collective. In particular, we hear the actionable findings from their survey of over 300 rural Ottawa youth, along with challenges and tips for creating and administering a survey through social media. Overall, they share their reflections on what has made this Collective successful and some of the ups and downs you might expect from Collective work. We also hear their enthusiasm and dedication for addressing this important and often overlooked issue. Have a listen! 

Listen to this podcast online.

Fazal, S., & Fergusson, L. (2021, April 29). Uncovering & Addressing Mental Health Needs for Rural Youth [Audio podcast episode]. In Impact Conversations. Social Impact Advisors. https://socialimpact.libsyn.com/uncovering-addressing-mental-health-needs-for-rural-youth

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