13 Ways to Modernize Youth Employment in Canada – Strategies for a New World of Work
7 years ago 7 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis report was published by Employment and Social Development Canada.
We depend on our young people to build and support the economy for the next generation. When changes to the nature of work and social conditions make it difficult for them to gain a solid foothold, the very foundation of our society is threatened.
On the surface, there may not appear to be a problem when it comes to the labour market participation of Canada’s youth, a population of 6.8 million people between the ages of 15 and 29. Among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries, Canadian youth are more likely to be employed than their peers. At the same time, the labour landscape is being redefined at a dizzying pace.
New and emerging technologies, demographic change, and globalization are profoundly changing the way work gets done, and what the jobs of the future will require of our youngest workers.
The Expert Panel on Youth Employment. (2017). 13 ways to modernize youth employment in Canada – strategies for a new world of work. Retrieved from https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/youth-expert-panel/report-modern-strategies-youth-employment.html
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