
A Compilation of Research on Rural Girls’ and Young Women’s Issues


A Compilation of Research on Rural Girls’ and Young Women’s Issues

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by the Girls Action Foundation.


Girls Action Foundation compiled this research review in order to increase access to recent research about Canadian girls and young women who live in rural communities. This review is part of a larger project, which shines light on the potential of rural girls and young women to contribute to community development. The project engages youth and rural organizations to advance the leadership and community involvement of rural young women.

Project activities include a partnership with four rural organizations to deliver leadership programs with female youth; regional meetings of girls’ program practitioners in the Atlantic and Prairie regions; webinars on topics related to rural young women’s empowerment; and another publication gathering successful practices and perspectives of rural communities working for girls’ and young women’s well being and empowerment across Canada.

The intention behind this publication is to provide research-based support for initiatives that empower girls and young women. Research often provides important rationale, credibility, and legitimacy to girl-specific projects and programs. This publication is a quick and easy way for those who work with, and care about, girls who live in rural communities to access research that can strengthen and validate the important work that they do.

People who support girls’ and young women’s empowerment work in many contexts; they may be youth workers, girls’ programmers, educators, health professionals, policy makers, young women organizers, youth centers, and rural community organizations.


Girls Action Foundation. (2012). A compilation of research on rural girls’ and young women’s issues.

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