
Evidence In-Sight: Engaging First Nation, Inuit and Métis Families


Evidence In-Sight: Engaging First Nation, Inuit and Métis Families

1 year ago 1 year ago Published by
This report was published by the Knowledge Institute on Child and Youth Mental Health and Addictions (formerly the Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child & Youth Mental Health).


This Evidence In-Sight report involved a non-systematic search and summary of the research and grey literature. These findings are intended to inform the requesting organization, in a timely fashion, rather than providing an exhaustive search or systematic review. This report reflects the literature and evidence available at the time of writing. As new evidence emerges, knowledge on evidence-informed practices can evolve. It may be useful to re-examine and update the evidence over time and/or as new findings emerge.

Evidence In-Sight primarily presents research findings, along with consultations with experts where feasible and constructive. Since scientific research represents only one type of evidence, we encourage you to combine these findings with the expertise of practitioners and the experiences of children, youth, and families to develop the best evidence-informed practices for your setting.

While this report may describe best practices or models of evidence-informed programs, Evidence In-Sight does not include direct recommendations or endorsement of a particular practice or program.

This report was researched and written to address the following questions:

  • Are there existing models of family engagement for First Nation populations?
  • Does the literature define best practices for engaging First Nation families? If so, have these models been evaluated, and if yes, what does the data say?
  • Is there specific literature regarding engagement of First Nation families within the context of child and youth mental health?

Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health. (2025). Evidence In-Sight: Engaging First Nation, Inuit and Métis Families.

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