
Pathways to Transforming Education: Proven Solutions from Social Entrepreneurs


Pathways to Transforming Education: Proven Solutions from Social Entrepreneurs

1 year ago 1 year ago Published by
This report was published by Catalyst 2030.


Pathways to Transforming Education details how we can adopt evidence-based learning principles and collaboratively revolutionize education. This report showcases tried and tested leapfrogging strategies created by education social entrepreneurs and innovators from around the world to bring about systemic, lasting change for all learners.

This report is a call to all educators and governments responsible for running large education systems, to adopt a learner-centric, participatory approach to education policymaking and implementation, to catalyze the pursuit of a shared reimagined purpose of education and delivery by all stakeholders in the learning ecosystem.

Our aim is to provide an evidence base for practitioner-derived learning principles that we collectively believe constitute the vision for a transformed education in line with SDG 4. It showcases innovative, on-the-ground solutions from social entrepreneurs and reflects perspectives of learners and ecosystem enablers, including policymakers and funders. It is a comprehensive view of the tools and perspectives required to disrupt the status quo of education systems worldwide and transform them in accordance with the expanded view of education laid out in SDG 4.

The proposed ways to do this include:

  • Incorporation of evidence-based learning principles, that have been successfully tested by social entrepreneurs, in formal curricula to facilitate systemic implementation
  • Adoption of local solutions with proven impact to ensure reach to a significant number of learners, especially the marginalized
  • Integration of all relevant voices (learners, parents, teachers, administrators and funders) in policy consultations to foster collective leadership

The report is meant to act as a conversation starter to foster flexible, sustainable collaborations in education policy and practice, rather than a rigid roadmap for implementation.

Reddy, K., & Narain, S. (2022). Pathways to Transforming Education: Proven Solutions from Social Entrepreneurs. Catalyst 2030.

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