Pieces to Pathways: Summary of Evaluation Findings
3 years ago 3 years agoThis report was published by YouthREX.
Pieces to Pathways (P2P) is Canada’s first substance use support program for LGBTTQQ2SIA youth aged 16 to 29 years old. Utilizing a peer-led and peer-run approach, P2P ensures all services are delivered by LGBTTQQ2SIA people that have personal self-identified experiences of addiction, substance use and recovery. These services are developmentally appropriate and culturally specific to LGBTTQQ2SIA youth as P2P is committed to delivering a program for LGBTTQQ2SIA youth that affirms, not denies, their gender and sexually diverse identities.
In 2016-2017, Pieces to Pathways (P2P) worked with YouthREX to develop and implement an evaluation strategy with the aim of understanding program implementation and progress towards achieving intended short-term outcomes. This report summarizes the findings of the evaluation, and presents program and evaluation recommendations.
YouthREX. (2017). Pieces to Pathways: Summary of Evaluation Findings. https://youthrex.com/report/pieces-to-pathways-summary-of-evaluation-findings/
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