
Youth Voice Project


Youth Voice Project

7 years ago 7 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by Child Welfare Institute.


We posit that youths’ voices are unique given their direct service user status coupled with their vulnerabilities. As is highlighted in the findings from the literature review, valid and reliable Customer Satisfaction tools are woefully scant for the at risk youth populations served by the MCYS youth sectors. Thus, advancing current methods of inclusion of their experiences and related satisfaction is an essential component to improving both agency and system processes and youth outcomes. Project focus and funding is specific to the Toronto Region.

Youth Voice working group reviewed the wealth of information from the literature review, the standardized measures review, the key informants, and the comparison of current measures used by individual youth serving agencies. There was unanimous consensus that in order to achieve a client satisfaction method for youth that will be relevant, respective and useful that we will need to design our own key questions drawing from the knowledge gleaned in order to best tap into a more meaningful client experience of service, rather than the more surface type of client satisfaction information traditionally obtained.

YouthLink & Child Welfare Institute, Children’s Aid Society of Toronto. (2012). Client satisfaction – youth voice. Report on supporting service excellence and continuous quality improvement program. Retrieved from:

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