A Qualitative Study of Forms of Social Support in Youth Mentoring Relationships
5 years ago 5 years agoThis research summary was developed by Pathways to Education.
Though there have been various studies examining what constitutes a quality mentor-youth relationship, there has been less focus on the nature of support provided within youth mentoring relationships. The aim of this study was to analyze the forms of social support in successful, formal mentor-youth relationships, and to explore how this support impacts the emotional and behavioural wellbeing of youth mentees. Formal mentoring relationships should foster the characteristics present in natural mentoring relationships. Therefore, this study used as its framework the types of social support found in supportive relationships (concrete, companionship, emotional, esteem, and advice support).
Each mentor-youth pairing was examined from the perspectives of the youth, parents, mentors, and caseworkers, via semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that close mentoring relationships lead to enhanced wellbeing in youth.
Pathways to Education. (2017). A Qualitative Study of Forms of Social Support in Youth Mentoring Relationships. Toronto, ON: Author.
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