Positive Youth Development Among Young People Who Leave High School Without Graduating
5 years ago 5 years agoThis research summary was developed by Pathways to Education.
The researchers who conducted this study sought to understand the extent to which youth who leave school early exhibit competencies necessary for positive developmental outcomes. The study shows that focusing on deficits of young people who leave school without obtaining a diploma offers an incomplete and limited understanding of their capacities and strengths. When these capacities are recognized and well understood they can help provide both policy and practice supports to re-engage non-graduates in working towards educational outcomes. The findings demonstrate that youth who leave school early should not be viewed as deficient. Young people who do not complete high school possess skills and competencies that are typically associated with academically successful high school graduates. These competencies help them achieve goals that are meaningful to them and salient in their immediate contexts.
Pathways to Education. (2017). Positive Youth Development Among Young People Who Leave High School Without Graduating. Toronto, ON: Author.
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