
Engaging LGBT People in Your Work: A Stonewall Scotland Good Practice Program Guide

Engaging LGBT People in Your Work: A Stonewall Scotland Good Practice Program Guide

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This toolkit was developed by Stonewall Scotland.


This guide is the latest in a range of resources for public services in Scotland on how to start making services more inclusive for LGBT people. It provides practical advice for public services on how to engage LGBT people in their decision-making processes. It demonstrates how organizations can set up advisory groups; small, cost-effective groups that can advise public bodies on the requirements of local LGBT people and help them decide when it is appropriate and feasible to engage with the wider group of LGBT service users.

The guide features insights from organizations that have already begun to engage with LGBT people in their work. It also includes the perspectives of a number of LGBT people, drawn from a survey of over 150 people, about how public bodies can engage most effectively with them.

Stonewall Scotland. (n.d). Engaging LGBT People in Your Work: A Stonewall Scotland Good Practice Program Guide. Edinburgh, Scotland: Author.

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