Students as Researchers: Collaborative Inquiry Action-Research Toolkit
5 years ago 5 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis toolkit was published by Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services and adapted by the Ministry of Education.
This toolkit was developed by Access Alliance and adapted by the Ministry of Education for the Students as Researchers initiative. The toolkit is a resource for student-teacher teams to consult in designing and conducting research projects. It introduces you to the different phases and components of research. These include how to:
- develop your research topic/question
- design your research method (how to answer your research question)
- conduct research in an ethical way
- collect data
- analyze your data
- share your research results to make positive change.
The resource provides step-by-step instructions for each phase, with background information. The final chapter includes details on how to plan your project (budget, timelines, responsibilities) and how to work as a team. Also included in the toolkit are worksheets for designing and conducting your research (e.g. consent form, research ethics review application form, project planning framework), and a list of resources for students and teachers.
Access Alliance & Ministry of Education. (2013). Students as Researchers: Collaborative Inquiry Action-Research Toolkit. Toronto, ON: Authors. Retrieved from
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