
Sustaining the Future of Our Nations – Youth Council Development: A Tool Kit for Action


Sustaining the Future of Our Nations – Youth Council Development: A Tool Kit for Action

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This toolkit was developed by Laura Calm Wind for the Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council.


The intent of this toolkit is to support youth between the ages of 15 to 29 to establish a voice in their community through the formation of a youth council. The toolkit can also be an effective guide for persons involved in the development of youth initiatives. The primary purpose of the toolkit is to provide support to the youth in the Ontario First Nations who are interested in establishing and running effective youth councils. The toolkit can be also be used to support the ongoing development and operation of existing youth councils in the First Nations communities.

Wind, L. C. (2007). Sustaining the Future of Our Nations – Youth Council Development: A Tool Kit for Action. Toronto, ON: Ontario First Nations Young Peoples Council/Chiefs of Ontario.

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