
Youthbuild Program Manual

Youthbuild Program Manual

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts

This toolkit was published by YouthBuild.

Welcome to Youthbuild! By picking up this Program Manual, you are taking a step toward rebuilding a community while rebuilding the lives of our nation’s youth. This manual was designed to give you the basic tools with which to get started.

The Youthbuild Program Manual has been developed by YouthBuild USA under contract with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist individuals and organizations interested in establishing a Youthbuild program in their community. It represents the compilation and distillation of over 15 years of Youthbuild experience in the field. Input from Youthbuild program graduates and staff, as well as a variety of experts in the fields of youth and community development, has brought together the best practices we have to offer to date.

This Program Manual is being followed by a series of handbooks that will address specific aspects of the Youthbuild program in more depth. Additional publications and materials are also available from YouthBuild USA. We encourage you to contact YouthBuild USA or HUD for more information and assistance, or to get additional copies of this manual.

YouthBuild (n.d.). Youthbuild Program Manual. Retrieved from

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