Evolving the Teenager’s Definition of Revolution
5 years ago 5 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis video was produced by TEDxYouth Toronto.
“Revolution happens when you get sick and tired of something and realize that no one else is going to change those things but YOU!”
Motivational speaker and author Ryan Porter talks about how revolution is sometimes an intimidating and hard to relate to concept for teenagers. Too many people pass up the opportunity to take action in their lives and thus take for granted their ability to effect change in society. They think that revolution is something beyond their means and instead they take a “point, smile, and hope” approach to life and get comfortable doing things that they do not wish to do. If you have an idea, do something about it today!
Porter, R. (2012, December 18). Evolving the Teenager’s Definition of Revolution [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMZLFTLjtTQ
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