HSJCC: Asking About Gender – Confronting Assumptions and Challenging Transphobia
1 year ago 1 year agoThis video was produced by the Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC).
How do the questions we ask youth about their gender reflect assumptions that can perpetuate harm and reproduce transphobia?
The way we ask about gender matters. We all want to be acknowledged for who we are – to be respected, and to be referred to accurately and appropriately. In order to respect all youth, we must ensure that the way we ask about gender reflects the diversity of our lived realities. In doing so, we must interrogate and challenge how we understand gender and how we engage with gender in our youth work.
In this webinar, we will:
- confront the ‘problem’ with gender;
- expand our definitions and understandings of gender;
- interrogate assumptions inherent to the gender binary; and
- determine how we can challenge transphobia in our practice.
We will also explore Asking About Gender: A Toolkit for Youth Workers, developed by YouthREX and LGBT YouthLine. This resource will support you to apply these learnings to your work, specifically in the development of gender menus that will accurately capture information about your program participants – and reflect to youth that your programming is inclusive of diverse gender identities.
Learn More:
Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX) is a province-wide initiative based at the School of Social Work at York University. Our Mission is to make research evidence and evaluation practices accessible and relevant to Ontario’s grassroots youth sector through capacity building, knowledge exchange, and evaluation leadership. Our Vision is an Ontario where shared knowledge is transformed into positive impact for all youth.
Presented by Kathe Rogers and Rebecca Johnson of YouthREX on September 20, 2023.
This presentation was based on a webinar developed by YouthREX and LGBT YouthLine for the release of the Asking About Gender toolkit in April 2022.
Human Services and Justice Coordinating Committee (HSJCC). (2023, September 20). Asking About Gender: Confronting Assumptions and Challenging Transphobia [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/3C4C9mpeZr8?si=rScPszDSWYThPqNZ
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