Louder: Amplifying Youth Voices in Activism
3 years ago 3 years agoThis video was produced by Amplify Youth Voices.
Jeremiah, Julie and Martina have come together with youth from across Canada and Europe to organize and mobilize young people in their own cities for social change. Follow them as they tell their stories of activism, and show us how their actions have impacted their lives and those in their communities.
Amplify Youth Voices presents a documentary co-directed and co-created by Claudio de Angelis, Hanna Doroni, Julie Durot, Arnold Kamdem, Martina Gambardella, Alexandra Nadeau, Philip Wiseman and Jamie Zarn. Music by Ander V. Animation by Jhasmine De Dios. Coordinated by Alexandra Nadeau. In partnership with Apathy is Boring, Citoyenneté Jeunesse, International Falcon Movement-Socialist Educational International, Oxfam-Italia, Oxfam-Québec and Youth Policy Labs. This project is co-funded by the European Union.
Amplify Youth Voices. (2021). Louder: Amplifying Youth Voices in Activism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JroKcZEn8TE
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