
Creative Reporting in Evaluation with Chris Lysy


Creative Reporting in Evaluation with Chris Lysy

3 years ago 3 years ago Published by
This webinar was hosted by YouthREX.


How can we share our evaluation findings in more creative, accessible, and engaging ways? What tools can we start using today to enhance our reports and presentations?

Sharing evaluation insights can be fun and rewarding. This webinar challenged us to revisit the common ways we share evaluation findings and presented a number of creative solutions for keeping stakeholders engaged and informed.

Participants explored practical ways (infographic design, cartoon illustration, meme design, and social media reporting strategy) to mobilize knowledge and examined how Slidedoc Reporting can offer unique advantages to youth programs who are looking to create exciting and professional presentations through everyday software tools.

About the Facilitator: Chris Lysy
Chris Lysy has been working with data for close to two decades. Holding a Master’s in Sociology, he has held roles as a data analyst and data visualization expert. He has also taken on roles in data management and IT systems development. In addition to information design consulting and training, Chris runs a virtual workshop teaching contemporary 21st reporting and data design.

Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2021, December 8). Creative Reporting in Evaluation with Chris Lysy [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQqjZL9qguo

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