Grassroots Voices: Black and Indigenous Experiences of the Child Welfare System
8 months ago 8 months agoThis webinar was hosted by the Youth Opportunities Fund at Ontario Trillium Foundation, in partnership with YouthREX.
How are grassroots communities organizing to tackle issues most prominent in the child welfare system? What are the challenges and opportunities they are experiencing?
YouthREX partnered with the Youth Opportunities Fund at Ontario Trillium Foundation for a dialogue that centered Black and Indigenous lived and navigational experiences of the child welfare system. The conversation — hosted and facilitated by Caceila Trahan, Program Manager, Youth Opportunities Fund — explored practices, approaches, and principles that centered lived experiences that can transform the child welfare system.
Our guests included:
- Lesli Bartlett, Co-Founder, Gi Zhawenimin
- Ray Hookimaw, Feathers of Hope Youth Advisory
- Josh Lamers, Executive Lead, Collective of Child Welfare Survivors
Youth Opportunities Fund, Ontario Trillium Foundation & Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2023, November 28). Grassroots Voices: Black and Indigenous Experiences of the Child Welfare System [Video]. YouTube.
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