Meaningfully Engaging Youth in Evaluation
3 years ago 3 years agoThis webinar was hosted by YouthREX.
How can we ensure that the work we do is youth-centered and reflective of youth voice? Meaningfully engaging youth often requires a different approach than engaging adults, particularly in evaluation. How can we move beyond using youth as sources of data and ensure their voices and insights help guide our evaluation process?
This webinar highlighted strategies and best practices for meaningfully engaging youth in program evaluation, including evaluation planning, carrying out the evaluation, and communicating evaluation findings. YouthREX and Tamarack Institute teamed-up to discuss youth-engaged evaluation theory and practice, with special guests from MLSE LaunchPad to bring practical examples of how youth are engaged in their evaluation work.
- Learn about YouthREX, MLSE LaunchPad & Communities Building Youth Futures
- Check out the Youth Engagement Toolkit
- Download the Youth-Adult Partnerships in Evaluation Toolkit
- Read about the Best Practices for Youth-Led Program Planning & Implementation
- Read The Gamification of Evaluation for Nonprofits and Charities
The Tamarack Institute & Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2020, October 28). Meaningfully Engaging Youth in Evaluation (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from
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