Game On: Sport Participation as a Vehicle for Positive Development for Youth Facing Barriers
7 years ago 7 years agoThis webinar was hosted by YouthREX.
Sport is the most popular extra-curricular activity for youth across Canada.
In this webinar, Corliss Bean, YouthREX’s Research and Evaluation Specialist, Bridgette Estrela, Director of Partnerships and Programming at MLSE LaunchPad, and Gabriela Estrada and Meaghan Marton from Motivate Canada engage in a conversation about the importance of leveraging sport programs as an avenue to foster positive youth development.
First, we provide an overview of YouthREX’s report Game On: Sport Participation as a Vehicle for Positive Development for Youth Facing Barriers, including evidence-based strategies and recommendations about how to intentionally develop life skills and foster youth development through participation in sport and physical activity programs. Next, you’ll learn about MLSE’s LaunchPad initiative, including its goals, development, and program model. Finally, you’ll hear from youth involved in Motivate Canada’s Physical Literacy for Females/Leading, Educating, Active Females project. They discuss how physical activity and sport can contribute to the positive development of girls and young women. Finally, they provide insight into the barriers and facilitators of participation based on their applied experiences.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2017, January 31). Game On: Sport Participation as a Vehicle for Positive Development for Youth Facing Barriers (Webinar Recording) on Vimeo [Video file]. Retrieved from
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