Youth-Centered Approaches to Meaningful Engagement: Part One – Program Design & Development
7 years ago 7 years agoThis webinar was hosted by YouthREX.
How can we intentionally and meaningfully engage youth in the design, development, and evaluation of our programs? How can we ensure that our work is youth-centered and reflective of youth voice?
Youth programs tell us that meaningfully engaging youth is much harder than it appears.
We get their struggle! At YouthREX, youth engagement is always a work in progress – something we keep trying to get better at.
We keep returning to youth engagement because we know that it really is a big deal – that the knowledge and lived experiences of young people are important to any initiative that seeks to support youth wellbeing.
We know that as much as youth want to learn and be mentored by caring adults, they also want opportunities to lead and share what they know.
In part one of this two-part webinar series, discover strategies and best practices for meaningfully engaging youth in program planning (design and development), featuring Stefanie Stuart, Youth Program Supports Manager, in conversation with Lina Chaker, Adam Janes, and Jathusha Mahenthirarajan.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2018, June 26). Youth-Centered Approaches to Meaningful Engagement – Part One: Engaging Youth in Program Design & Development (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from
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