
Ways of Being – Social & Emotional Learning in Youth Programs


Ways of Being – Social & Emotional Learning in Youth Programs

5 years ago 5 years ago Published by
This webinar was hosted by YouthREX.


Being prepared for post-secondary education and employment requires a much broader skill set than academic knowledge. These skills – including self-worth, critical thinking, and empathy – are developed over a lifelong process of learning and reinforcement at home, school, and after-school programs. There is now a growing body of evidence that demonstrates the strong links that exist between the development of these ‘soft’ skills and positive outcomes for young people. This kind of learning has been termed social and emotional learning (SEL). Youth programs can play a significant role in developing SEL as they give young people a chance to engage in real-world projects, work in teams, take on meaningful roles, face challenges, and experience the accompanying emotional ups and downs.

This webinar explored SEL and what it means for after-school programs and adults supporting youth. Participants learned about a newly developed Ways of Being model that conceptualizes SEL and integrates available evidence, as well as practical strategies to promote SEL in their work.

Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange. (2015, September 24). Ways of Being – Social & Emotional Learning in Youth Programs (Webinar Recording) on YouTube [Video file]. Retrieved from https://youtu.be/7nqvE9dtBTo

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