A Conceptual Mapping of Healing Centered Youth Organizing: Building A Case for Healing Justice
5 years ago 5 years ago Leave your thoughtsIn this paper, we offer a conceptual mapping of healing centered organizing and argue three key ideas. First, we argue that healing centered organizing is a response to decades of toxic and harmful policies that disproportionately impact low-income youth of color. Second, we offer principles of healing centered organizing and illustrate key practices across organizations in California. Research suggests that civic engagement activities like youth and community organizing contribute not only to improved academic outcomes, but also to greater social capital and higher levels of well-being for young people who are involved (Prilleltensky 2008; Prilleltensky & Nelson 2000; Prilleltensky & Prilleltensky 2006; Rogers & Terriquez 2013). Third, we offer recommendations to social justice practitioners and philanthropic stakeholders about key supports required to expand and strengthen healing centered organizing efforts.
Chavez-Diaz, M., & Lee, N. (2015). A Conceptual Mapping of Healing Centered Youth Organizing: Building A Case for Healing Justice. Oakland, CA: Urban Peace Movement. Retrieved from https://urbanpeacemovement.org/report-title-number-1/
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