Academic Literature

A Whole-School Approach to Address Youth Radicalization


A Whole-School Approach to Address Youth Radicalization

8 months ago 8 months ago Published by

Schools are increasingly being asked to identify and monitor youth who may be susceptible to recruitment toward radical groups. Rather than asking teachers to identify at-risk behaviors, Dianne Gereluk argues here that a whole-school approach may help to foster belonging and connection among youth that is not additive, but a central component of safe and inclusive schools. Whole-school approaches attend to the different power relationships that occur within the school community, focusing on the classroom environment, the school organization, and the broader school environment. Insofar as radicalization is partly a response to the perception of exclusion and oppression, these factors may go some way toward mitigating the appeal of extremism.

Gereluk, D. (2023). A Whole-School Approach to Address Youth Radicalization. Educational Theory.

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