Meaningful Youth Engagement to Advance Global Change
3 years ago 3 years agoThis factsheet was developed by YouthREX.
More than half the world’s population is under the age of 30. Although children and youth are most vulnerable to the devastating effects of climate change, they are given little voice in the shape of their future. Decisions that affect their lives are made by caregivers, local leaders, governments, and heads of global corporations. Developed from a 2020 report from the World Health Organization, UNICEF, and medical journal The Lancet that explores what’s to come for the world’s children and youth, and the Sunrise Movement’s 35+ Supporters Guidelines, this factsheet outlines:
- The benefits and challenges of meaningful youth engagement;
- Five ways adults can become allies in youth-led change-making efforts; and
- Four best practices for meaningful adult allyship.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2020). Meaningful Youth Engagement to Advance Global Change. Toronto, ON: Author.
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