TAKE 5: Legislative Review of the Cannabis Act – What We Heard Report
10 months ago 10 months agoThis factsheet was developed by YouthREX.
In 2017, the Cannabis Act officially legalized weed use for those over 18, ending nearly a century of cannabis prohibition in Canada. To track the impacts of legalization and key developments in cannabis use and public health, a panel of experts was tasked by the federal government to undertake a legislative review of the Cannabis Act, including a specific focus on youth. Their first report, Legislative Review of the Cannabis Act – What We Heard, summarizes initial findings from consultations with stakeholders across the country on important themes related to cannabis use.
TL;DR: the report is long (nearly 120 pages!), so this Factsheet summarizes the top 5 takeaways from the legislative review of the Cannabis Act that are especially relevant to young people and the youth sector.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2023). Take 5: Legislative Review of the Cannabis Act – What We Heard Report. https://youthrex.com/factsheet/take-5-legislative-review-of-the-Cannabis-Act-what-we-heard-report
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