Changing Leaders, Leading Change: Youth Leadership Model
6 years ago 6 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis infographic was created by YouthREX.
A youth leadership development model should consider the formal, non-formal, and informal contexts within which cognitive, affective, and behavioural dimensions of leadership learning occur. Insofar as we should be intentional in our work, we must also recognize that learning is a dynamic and non-linear process, and people have different learning and leadership styles which require different strategies. There is no single template that will facilitate youth leadership development learning for all youth. While the model presented is intentional in its purposes (social change) and processes (relational), the areas discussed (observation, learning, and experience) are understood as interconnected.
Houwer, R. (2016). Changing Leaders, Leading Change: Youth Leadership Model. Toronto, ON: Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX).
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