
Past, Present, and Future Work on Supporting Children and Youth


Past, Present, and Future Work on Supporting Children and Youth

4 months ago 4 months ago Published by
This podcast episode was produced by the Learning Network.


In this podcast episode, Dr. Linda Baker shares her reflections on how understandings of child and youth experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) have evolved over the last 20 years. She highlights three major areas of change, as there is increased:

  1. Recognition that children and youth are not merely passive witnesses to IPV but rather they make sense of their experiences of violence based on their different ages and stages.
  2. Understanding that children do not live single-issue lives and our responses to support children requires putting intersectionality into practice.
  3. Practices to involve children as they have a right to be seen, heard, and considered in decisions that impact them.

In moving forward to better support children and youth, Linda adds that it is critical to address systemic and structural violence, learn from leading community activists and scholars about applying intersectionality into practice, and increase investments in primary and secondary prevention.

Listen to this podcast episode online.

Jaffe, P. (Host). (2023, December 10). Past, Present, and Future Work on Supporting Children and Youth [Video podcast episode]. In Little Eyes, Little Ears: Centering Children & Youth in GBV Work. Learning Network. https://gbvlearningnetwork.ca/our-work/podcast-series/episode-1/index.html

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