Voices from the Frontline: Self-Care
6 years ago 6 years ago Leave your thoughtsThis podcast was produced by YouthREX.
Self-care is a topic we heard, and still continue to hear about, over and over again in our conversations with youth sector stakeholders – especially among frontline youth workers and organizers. While we often think of self-care as an individual responsibility, we know that if we, as a sector, are honest, there is much work to be done in our organizations, in our communities, and in our systems to really make frontline work a healthy and thriving career path.
This podcast gave us the opportunity to connect with and hear from four frontline youth workers/organizers who represent a broad spectrum in age, experience, and perspectives on this topic. We gave each of them a recorder and some prompt questions on self-care, and asked them to record their reflections twice a day over the span of a week. Hearing the raw tape from each of them was inspiring. We heard voices of passion and dedication to this work, stories of resilience and acceptance, honest feelings of frustration, and a resolute will to keep pushing forward.
Youth Research & Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX). (2015). Voices from the Frontline: Self-Care [Audio podcast]. Retrieved from https://soundcloud.com/youthrex/youthrex-selfcare-podcast-v2
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