Storytelling for Action: Recognizing and Centering Youth Survivor Voices
4 months ago 4 months agoThis podcast episode was produced by the Learning Network.
In this podcast episode, youth rights advocate Maya Lebrun shares the importance of respecting and centering youth survivor voices in gender-based violence (GBV) work to better support survivors and their wellbeing.
Maya provides helpful strategies and tools to provide opportunities for youth to speak up, share their feedback, voice their concerns, and share their stories in a way that feels right for them. She also discusses how to balance concerns around re-traumatizing youth survivors who share their stories while respecting their agency, autonomy, and rights.
Lastly, Maya offers alternate ways to centre survivor voices in GBV work that does not require survivors to disclose their personal stories but that can lead to transformative change, and shares her hope for the future with respect to youth rights and strengthening supports.
Listen to this podcast episode online.
Baker, L. (Host). (2024, March 15). Storytelling for Action: Recognizing and Centering Youth Survivor Voices [Video podcast episode]. In Little Eyes, Little Ears: Centering Children & Youth in GBV Work. Learning Network.
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