Canadian Youth Perspectives on Democracy, Global Issues, and Civic Engagement
2 years ago 2 years agoThis report was published by Apathy is Boring and Environics Institute.
In the first in a series following up on our 2016 report on Millennials and their values, we once again partnered with Environics to learn about Millennials and their thoughts and feelings, now five years later. This time, we also heard from leading edge Gen-Zers (18-24 year olds). These two groups make up 40% of all Canadians.
The report presents results from the survey, with a focus on comparisons between the two generations, as well as by selected population characteristics such as region, gender, educational attainment, and ethnic/ racial identity. The survey sample is sufficient to provide for analysis by youth who identify as white and by each of the country’s four largest racialized populations in Canada (Chinese, Black, South Asian, and Indigenous). Individuals with another racialized identity were combined to form another distinct group for analysis.
The analysis examines how the perspectives and activities of Millennials have changed since 2016 (where applicable), based on comparisons with the 2016 Survey of Millennials. Reference is also made to other Environics Institute research where applicable, for purposes of placing the current findings in context with older generations and/or with results from previous years.
Apathy is Boring & Environics Institute. (2021). Canadian Youth Perspectives on Democracy, Global Issues, and Civic Engagement.
Categorised in: Report