
Working with High Risk, Marginalized Youth: Youth-led Development of a Framework of Youth Engagement


Working with High Risk, Marginalized Youth: Youth-led Development of a Framework of Youth Engagement

6 years ago 6 years ago Published by Leave your thoughts
This report was published by Homeward Trust Edmonton.


Thinking of creating a youth-led youth engagement initiative? Well, look no more! We have found the perfect resource to help you! This report by Homeward Trust Edmonton provides useful information on a youth driven engagement framework for engaging high-risk marginalized youth. This youth engagement framework utilizes a non-traditional approach by having sixteen youth leaders direct a participatory action research project to help identify important steps for integrating disengaged youth into collaborative community initiatives. In this report, you can find personal narratives from youth who share the importance of learning from lived experiences.

The report also importantly encourages the use of empathy and respect as important emotional values for building better relationships with youth leaders. This framework highlights three important steps for engaging at-risk youth: Basis – Philosophy and Principles; What: Goals/Outcomes; and, How: Actions/Processes/Pathways To Change. It also discusses nine important themes that inform this work.

Iwasaki, Y. (2015). Working with high risk, marginalized youth: Youth-led development of a framework of youth engagement. Retrieved from

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