Story-telling in Youth Work: A Resource for Workers, Managers, Tutors and Students
1 year ago 1 year agoThis toolkit was developed by In Defence of Youth Work (IDYW).
This resource brings together some of the learning from In Defence of Youth Work’s (IDYW) approach to youth work story-telling as this has evolved over the past three years. From both the participant’s and the facilitator’s points of view, it considers how examples of practice have been narrated and analysed in workshops specifically designed for workers (including young volunteers), managers, students, and their tutors. It also focuses on the use of story-telling in a range of work settings: in face-to-face work with young people; as an aid to organisational change through staff training, supervision, and monitoring; in the teaching and assessment of youth and community work students; and for project evaluation. Also included are some of the support materials developed by IDYW.
Far from this being offered as a finished ‘product’, the intention is to add to it as new learning emerges from IDYW’s and others’ story-telling activities. It is assumed anyway that practitioners will want to adapt the material to their own work situations. In doing so we hope it will help them clarify for themselves and their immediate colleagues what is distinctive about their practice as youth workers and how this has value for young people. We hope too that, at a moment when the very survival of youth work seems to be at risk, it will help them communicate these messages more effectively to policy-makers, funders, and other key decision-makers.
This toolkit is available online.
Story-telling in Youth Work: A Resource for Workers, Managers, Tutors and Students. (2014). In Defence of Youth Work.
Categorised in: Toolkit