Our Story

Our vision is an Ontario where shared knowledge is transformed into positive impact for all youth!


Understand your youth program’s capacity – and start there.

While grassroots organizations share many similarities, we recognize that all organizations are unique, have different histories, work in different contexts and have staff with varying capacities. We are committed to taking the time to learn about these unique aspects of your organization so that our work with you takes into consideration your organizational, social and political realities.


Be responsive to your program’s needs.

We will be guided by the question, “How and when will you use the information that comes from this process?” Asking this question will help us ensure that our work with you is relevant and meaningful.


Work collaboratively with a youth program.

While we will do our best to support your program, we know we are not the experts on your work. We aren’t coming in to tell you what you do; our work is a shared process and YouthREX is committed to staying true to the ‘eXchange’ in our name.


Adhere to high ethical standards in supporting your evaluation.

Our evaluation work with you will comply with the Tri-Council Policy Statement on the Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans. All our processes will also demonstrate cultural awareness, sensitivity and inclusive practices that reflect on our own values. 


Meaningfully engage youth.

YouthREX is committed to processes that include the experience and voices of Ontario’s youth, particularly those who are racialized youth, newcomer youth, Indigenous youth, youth with disabilities or special needs, youth in and leaving care, Francophone youth, LGBT2SQ youth, youth living in rural & remote communities, youth from low-income families and youth in conflict with the law. We will work with your organization to identify how to engage youth in the design, development and evaluation of your youth program.


Commit fully to equity, diversity and inclusion.

When it comes to equity and inclusion, there is always room for improvement. We will work with you to better recognize the differences in the experiences of youth with diverse identities, in enhancing the inclusiveness of your program, and in identifying and reducing barriers to meaningful youth participation.


YouthREX's highlights and contributions
over the past ten years.

YouthREX is primarily funded by the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community & Social Services with contributions from the York Research Chair in Youth and Contexts of Inequity held by Dr. Uzo Anucha at the School of Social Work, York University.

Annual Report

Year Ten

Year Nine

Year Eight

Year Seven

Year Six





Year Five

Year Four

Year Three

Year Two

Year One



Year Ten | 2023/2024

Special Reports

YouthREX at Five
Our Reach and Impact

Quick-Glance Update
Highlights from our Stakeholder Survey

Beyond Measure?

The State of Evaluation and Action in Ontario's Youth Sector

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