
Future North: Youth Engagement Toolkit


Future North: Youth Engagement Toolkit

2 years ago 2 years ago Published by
This toolkit was developed by Future North.


Future North is a five-year (2019-2024) collective impact strategy, affiliated with the Communities Building Youth Futures Initiative, that aims to address the barriers youth (aged 15-30 years old) face in pursuing education and employment opportunities. The District of Sudbury and Manitoulin is one of 13 communities within Canada that has been chosen to develop a system-wide solution by youth for youth as they build and act upon plans for their future. Working in partnership with Tamarack Institute, Future North will implement its Common Agenda, where its primary goal is to engage youth to develop strategies that allow young people to be engaged in their communities and successfully navigate transitions from youth to adulthood.

The purpose of this document is to provide resources and guidelines Future North adheres to in order to create meaningful youth engagement strategies. Future North recognizes that there is an innumerable amount of resources on youth engagement strategies and therefore this document does not recreate these strategies but highlights some frameworks and best practices for youth-serving agencies.

Future North. (2021). Youth Engagement Toolkit.

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