
Land(ing) Back: Recentering Indigenous Youth Voices in Climate Action & Reconciliation


Land(ing) Back: Recentering Indigenous Youth Voices in Climate Action & Reconciliation

1 year ago 1 year ago Published by
This report was published by the 4Rs Youth Movement & Youth Climate Lab.


This document was developed based on the conversations and recommendations from the Land(ing) Back audio blogs that were collaboratively produced and released by 4Rs Youth Movement (4Rs) and Youth Climate Lab (YCL) in fall 2021. Land(ing) Back was a call to pay attention to the voices and perspectives of Indigenous young people, to be inspired by their work in community and around transformative approaches to creating healthier and sustainable futures for us all.

This knowledge and insight is consistent with the research and analysis published by countless Indigenous peoples, and organizations leading climate work on Turtle Island and internationally, as demonstrated throughout the citations embedded in this document. Our intention here was to honour their labour and uplift the voices of young people who have been speaking truth to the same issues for decades.

While current programs, policies, and initiatives of the federal government, nonprofit, and community sectors aim to advance climate action and reconciliation, the perspectives and experiences of Indigenous youth are not well integrated, and often the types of action taken at the policy level create more barriers and cause further harm in community. This document seeks to address the gaps and barriers identified by Indigenous youth who are driving the climate movement.

4Rs Youth Movement & Youth Climate Lab. (2022). Land(ing) Back: Recentering Indigenous Youth Voices in Climate Action & Reconciliation.

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