Youth & Equity
1 year ago 1 year agoThis toolkit was developed by Halton Youth Initiative.
The Halton Youth Initiative was a project of the Our Kids Network, serving the Ontario communities of North Oakville, Acton, Aldershot, and Milton.
The Youth & Equity Toolkit is a collection of equity resources and a “how-to-guide” for grade 7-12 students across Halton who would like to start equity teams at their own schools. The purpose of this toolkit is to provide Halton District School Board and Halton Catholic District School Board students (along with community partners) with the opportunity to become leaders and activists within their school communities and make Halton a better place.
This online toolkit includes:
- how to establish a team at your school;
- idea sheets for creating sub-committees;
- campaign ideas for significant times in the calendar year (such as Black History Month);
- discussions on how to dismantle white supremacy culture in schools; and
- guidelines for how to respectfully connect with various communities in Halton.
There is also an accompanying slideshow to help teams walk through the toolkit.
This is one of several online resource toolkits developed by Halton Youth Initiative.
Halton Youth Initiative. (2021). Youth & Equity.
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