Good Youth Work Practices


The N-Word: Four Empowering Responses for Black Youth 
Summarizes strategies for Black youth to respond to the use of the N-Word and address the hurt and emotional powerlessness caused.

Confronting Anti-Black Microaggressions: Strategies for Black Youth and Non-Black Allies
Summarizes strategies for responding to anti-Black microaggressions for Black youth and non-Black allies – and what to do when called-in for causing harm.

Three Strategies & Seven Practices for Delivering Effective Group Programming for Black Youth
Outlines strategies and practices to deliver effective group programming for Black youth.

Seven Promising Practices for Developing Supports for Black Parents/Caregivers
Summarizes findings from Review of Promising Practices: Supports for Black Parents (2020).

Program Design Considerations for After-School Tutoring Programs
Summarizes program design considerations for after-school tutoring programs to support improved academic outcomes for youth experiencing marginalization.

Five Practices to Promote Mental Health Among Black Youth in Team Sports
Defines key terms and messages, and summarizes recommended practices to build and support improved mental health.

Ten Curriculum-Based Strategies to Engage in Political Consciousness-Raising with Black Youth
Summarizes curriculum-based strategies for political consciousness-raising with Black youth.

Economic Empowerment of Black Youth: Programmatic Interventions for Jobs and Retention
Summarizes programming interventions to increase the number of Black youth in meaningful employment.

Economic Empowerment of Black Youth: Programmatic Interventions for Diversifying Economic Opportunities
Summarizes programming interventions to support entrepreneurship and increase access to high-growth sectors, including STEM.

Economic Empowerment of Black Youth: Programmatic Interventions to Strengthen the Talent Pipeline
Summarizes programming interventions to provide learning and skill development opportunities for Black youth.

Eight Best Practices for Extracurricular Literacy Programming for Black, Racialized, and Low-Income Youth
Identifies sites of marginalization in literacy learning, summarizes best practices for extracurricular literacy programming, and outlines considerations for online book clubs.

Eight Best Practices for Supporting Black Youth Who Have Been in Conflict with the Law
Summarizes best practices for supporting Black youth who have been in conflict with the law.

Four Strategies to Promote Radical Healing with Black Youth in Conflict with the Law
Defines radical healing, describes trauma and healing as collective, and outlines strategies to promote radical healing.


Harmful Assumptions and Stereotypes of Black Youth
Outlines harmful assumptions and stereotypes of Black girls and young women and of Black boys and young men.

20 ‘Simple Things’ to Centre Black Youth Wellbeing
Provides examples of 10 individual and 10 organizational practices to centre Black youth and improve Black youth wellbeing.

Top Ten Good Practices for Mentorship Programs for Black Youth
Summarizes a review of research literature on mentoring Black youth to highlight good practices.

Doing Right: What Collective Actions Can Advance Equity for Black Youth?
Outlines 13 calls to action, featuring multi-sectoral and collective strategies.

Working Together to Do Right for Black Youth
Summarizes reflections from community members on how to  work together to ensure the Black Youth Action Plan works for Black communities.

TAKE 5: Using Data for Racial Justice by Samuel Sinyangwe
Summarizes five lessons learned from data scientist and activist Samuel Sinyangwe keynote at YouthREX’s 2018 Knowledge to Action Exchange.

Top Eight Good Practices for Parent/Caregiver Engagement with Black Families
Summarizes a review of research literature on parent/caregiver practices to highlight good practices.

The Engaged Parent: Navigating the School System for Black Student Success – Grades 10-11 (Jean Augustine Chair, York University)   

The Engaged Parent: Navigating the School System for Black Student Success – Grade 12 (Jean Augustine Chair, York University)

Designed to support parents effectively and confidently engage with the school system to support Black children’s academic success and wellbeing.


Ten Lessons for Talking About Race, Racism, and Racial Justice (The Opportunity Agenda)
Provides advice on finding entry points for moving these critical discussions forward.

Black and LGBTQ: Approaching Intersectional Conversations (The Trevor Project)
Approaches to consider before, during, and after a difficult conversation to safeguard the dialogue and participants’ mental health.

Mmere Dane: Supporting Black Youth on a Restorative Journey – Facilitator Resource & Toolkit (Delta Family Resource Centre & Partners)
Outlines culturally responsive resources, building on the important and often unrecognized work of youth workers from grassroots and community organizations.


Healing the Hidden Wounds of Racial Trauma
Summarizes eight critical and interrelated steps to promote healing when working with Black and racialized youth.


BlackSpace Manifesto (BlackSpace)
Outlines just practices for Black-led organizations to guide interactions with colleagues, partners, and communities.


Building Black Futures Through Literacy
Features a conversation about the importance of literacy learning that centres the cultures, histories, and identities of Black communities.

Opening Up: Creating Healing Spaces for Young Black Men 
Features a discussion on the importance of confronting the stigma around mental health for young Black men and adopting healing-centred approaches to wellness.

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